Due to the excellent CW work of our new team member Robert, DK2RO we were able to take part in the IARU Region 1 VHF CW-Contest 2024 (Marconi Memorial MMC) on November 2nd/3rd. The condx were not bad and I guess in CW-mode we achieved a new local 2m (144 MHz) CW record at the Mount Schwedenwache, JO50TI.
Many tnx to Robert, DK2RO and Frank, DJ5NQ as first CW ops and Alex DH1NAX and DK5NJ as second ops. But everything would not work without the help of Harald DH1NAI and Matthias DG2NES who helped with technical support and setting up the 2nd antenna system.
November is not the best weather in our area so this time we had to assemble our antenna systems during foggy rain. Fortunately at the end of the contest the weather was cold but dry and sunny. Our new 3rd electricity generator (also a diesel) ran well and supplied the 2nd antenna system. Although we had little problems with the network software and a rotor cable died (and was replaced!! :-)), we had no bigger issues and can now claim the following result:
Claimed score:

Here are some more impressions of the MMC weekend:
Mni tnx fer all the QSOs and CUAGN nxt test! 73, the DK0NA crew.